Import vector of values of ice cream purchase numbers
>a <- c(8, 14, 16, 10, 11)
Generate random sample of 2 values and save to a vector
> b <- sample(a,2)
[1] 10 11
Calculate mean and standard deviation of the sample.
[1] 10.5
> sd(b)
[1] 0.7071068
Create data.frame out of mean and stdev for the sample and population.
[1] 11.8
> sd(a)
[1] 3.193744smp <- c(10.5,0.7071068)
> pop <- c(11.8,3.193744)
> c <- data.frame < (smp, pop)
- I think that the sample proportion will have the approximately the same distribution since nq = 5.
- I think 100 is the smallest value of n for which p is approximately normal because anything smaller than n = 100 will make np < 5. The high value of p is very limiting.